“Through circle and ceremony the Sacred can be known”
- Grandmother Medicine Song
for the modern medicine woman
Sacred Wear
The Sacred Wear Story

What does it mean to live a life in ceremony? To me, a ceremonial life, is one that honours both the physical and spiritual world and the interconnectedness of all life. Many people today feel disconnected from Nature, and their own natural rhythms. Many have gotten lost in a swirl of confusion, fear and incoherent values promoted and adopted by factions in society. Rarely do we get the time or encouragement to find our own authenticity and explore fully what truly has meaning us.

Honoring our greatest gifts and multidimensionality comes from embodiment. It awakens our clearest intuition. And it enables us to co-create with our guides, guardians, Angels and the celestial realms etc, so we can weave our magic into our everyday lives. Our hearts are the path to everything and must be open. And ceremony is the gateway. It brings us into deep connection and unlocks the highest potential in every moment.

I have recently been called to share my passions about the power of bringing ceremony into our lives to restore our connection with ourselves and with the Divine. Performing ceremonies has been a core practice in shamanism for tens of thousands of years. When we perform ceremonial work we step into a very ancient collective. Working with the accent energies and spiritual support of Mama Earth, the wind, the sun, the moon, Father sky, our ancestors, and great Spirit. These forces have been guiding us in creating more balanced ways of living through eternity. Our ancestors sing for us as we perform our transformative ceremonies to bring healing into our lives and into the world.
Ceremony is a way to step away from operating on a rational level to tap into a flow that leads us to manifest what is best for us and the collective. It is how shamanic communities world wide build an invisible world of substance that is needed to manifest a new fabric reality to replace all that is dissolving in our outdated paradigm.

If we are most deeply connected with ourselves and Divine whilst in ceremony, then why not make our lives a ceremony; make our lives sacred.Be intentional, when you wake up in the morning and make your tea, do so with intention, be in the moment, breath, feel the gratitude with each sip. When you walk, take your time, don’t rush, be deliberate, feel the connection with Mama Earth, picture each foot gently kissing the ground. With each step, all negative energies return into the earth and dissipate, with each step you receive new healing energies from Mama Earth. Get dressed in the morning with your favourite outfit, natural, soft, ethical, connected. Life is sacred after all, don’t save things for that special occasion, today is special, today is sacred, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, be present, be your Sacred Self.